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Borrisoleigh Annual 2015 It is that time of the year again and this year the Borrisoleigh Community Development Association plan to produce another annual. We would be very grateful if […]

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Scoil Naomh Cualán Fun Irish dancing Parachute games Station teaching- making literacy fun Science lesson- making string telephones Tennis St Joseph’s College Borrisoleigh Score4Eddie Challenge The teachers and students of […]

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Borris-Ileigh G.A.A. Notes     Family Fun Day Photos  The teams that lined out at the Family Fun Day on Sunday Cup Presentation! The Ass in the Grass Eagerly waiting […]

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 Visit to Medjugorje  Group outside St James’ s Church Josephine Ryan and Sr. Helen at statue of Our Lady John Connors climbing Apparition Hill Borris-Ileigh G.A.A. Notes Family Fun Day: On […]

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Borris-Ileigh G.A.A. Notes Family Fun Day: On Sunday 13th of September the club will be hosting a Family Fun Day and 7 a side hurling tournament in the town park. […]

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