Christmas Carol Singing in aid of Community Centre

Borrisoleigh Choir will sing carols and Christmas songs in aid of our Community Centre at Thurles Shopping Centre on Friday, next, December 10th from 5.30-7.30 and in the Crescent Shopping Centre, Limerick on Saturday, December 18th from 2-6p.m. We would be delighted to welcome anyone who would like to join us for either of these events or in singing over Christmas.

Michael Collins pictured with his grandson Christopher Slattery on his graduation day. Christopher graduated as a Chemical and Bio-Pharmacuetical Engineer, Honours Degree

Back Row (L-R):Ciara Lanigan,(Committee Member), Deirdre Lanigan, (Branch Secretary), Fionnuala Corcoran,(Committee Member), Tom Gallagher,(Ballycahill N.S.) Flan Quigney,(Scoil Ailbhe), Kay Ryan, (Branch Chairperson), Declan Kelleher,(Former President,) Sean Mc Mahon,(C.E.C. Representative), Pádraig Mullins, (Ballysloe N.S.).
Front Row: Mary Minchin, (Pouldine N.S.), Marion Ryan, (Littleton N.S.), Catherine Harty,(Two-Mile-Borris N.S.), Mary Harrington,(Upperchurch N.S.), Susan Hoare,(St. Theresa’s N.S.),Carmel Delaney, (Glengoole N.S.) and Mary Delaney, (St. Patrick’s B.N.S.)
Thurles Branch INTO held a function to honour its newly-retired members at the Anner Hotel recently. Three retiring teachers had Borrisoleigh connections. They were Mary Delaney, St. Patrick’s Boys’ N.S, Susan Hoare, St. Theresa’s N.S. and Mary Harrington (née Kelly, Fantane), who retired from Upperchurch N.S. Present on the night to acknowledge the teachers’ contribution to education were Declan Kelleher, Former President INTO and Sean Mc Mahon, INTO Central Executive Committee. Following a meal attended by the retired members and their families presentations were made to each teacher and a member of each staff thanked them for their the many ways in which they enriched the communities in which they taught over the course of their careers. All are wished many years of health and happiness in their retirement.
Borris-Ileigh GAA News
The Annual General Meeting of the Senior Club will take place in the pavillion on Saturday 11th of December at 8.30pm. All are welcome.

Our annual Senior Citizens party took place on Sunday last December 5th. As usual the event commenced with the celebration of Mass by our chairperson Fr. Nicholas J. Irwin CC.Our local choir enhanced the liturgy with their traditional hymns and Christmas carols.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Two angels by the Christmas tree – wonder which one will make it to the top!!!

Mary Ryan regails the crowd at the Christmas Party
Paddy Dolan shares his singing talent with an appreciative audience

Elaine and Leigh with Denis.
Due to popular demand future classes may be held again in the New Year.

Natasha Mason and her cousin Nancy Troy of Thurles enjoying the snow in Waterford during the week. The show is bringing out the kids in them!

Thurles Parents and Friends of people with special needs Christmas party included Natasha Mason and Eoin Stapleton of Borrisoleigh which was held last Sunday in the Presentation Primary School, Thurles where they received tokens of appreciation from Evelyn Nevin.

Lord Mayor Ned Harty and Rose Carr
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