Current News


 Fr. Matt in Mata Roma in the Diocese of Brejo in Maranhão     The mother with the two small children above had ten children and now she has had twins ! […]

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Happy 21st! Paul and Brendan Maher enjoying their 21st birthday party in Joe Loughnane’s last Friday night   News from the USA! Fiona O’Dwyer Fiona is a daughter of Donnacha O’Dwyer, Currabaha.  […]

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Winter Scenes from Borris! A half dozen free-range Borris Boys prepare to launch a futile attack on a ‘wiley’ website photographer. Better luck next year lads! It takes a real […]

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 Update of School Closures  (This notice was posted on the website on Saturday January 9th) All national and secondary schools are to remain closed until Thursday 14 January, Minister for […]

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