Current News


  Scór Sinsear North Final Last Friday night, February 19th , provided a great nights entertainment in the Marian Hall. The North Final of Scór Sinsear was the occasion. Paddy Dolan […]

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 Visit to Amsterdam  The Addis family, Ciara Stapleton all from Borrisoleigh and Philly Cullen on a recent visit to Amsterdam Philly Cullen and Charlotte Addis Edd, Gerry and Tom Addis   Ciara Stapleton, Tom, Gerry, […]

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 ‘Celebrity Day’ at The Boys’ School Raises Funds for Haiti   Some of the weird and wonderful characters at St. Patrick’s BNS ‘dressing up’ for Haiti last Friday (Feb. 5th) St. Patrick’s BNS […]

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St. Theresa’s latest win in the Entrepreneur Competition Once again, fourth, fifth and sixth classes in St.Theresa’s National were successful in winning a prize in the "Business in the Community […]

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