8 December 2021
Axa Community Bike Ride
We had a lovely group cycle last Sunday in the winter sunshine and stopped in Templemore for refreshments in One 19 coffee shop where we met up with the borrisoleigh cycling team.Thanks to the staff in One19 for your welcome and hospitality.Next weekend we have our last cycle for this year to Loughmore Community Tearooms. Happy Christmas to everyone and see ye again in 2022.
Parish News
Anniversaries: Tuesday 7th December at 7pm Terry Groome, Main Street. and Joe & Eileen Boyle, Ballyroan.
Wednesday 8th December at 11am Mass The Senior Citizens of the Parish.
Saturday December 11th at 7pm Mass Rody,Nora and Hugh Corcoran, Currabaha
Mary Murray, Gurteenabarna and Edward and Eileen O’Dwyer, Mountkinane.
Sunday December 12th 9.30 Ileigh Mass Christy & Peggy Slattery, Cooleen and Martin & Norrie Ryan, Knockahorna.
Sunday December 12th 11am Mass Sean Gleeson, Walkinstown, Dublin and Borrisoleigh
Month’s Mind.
Clergy Collection: Clergy Collection will be taken up at all masses on the weekend of 18th/19th December and not on the 12th December as printed on your envelope.
Collection: Last Sunday’s collection amounted to €740.
Society of St Vincent de Paul-Annual Collection.
The St. Bridgid’s Conference, Borrisoleigh will take up the Annual Church Gate Collection before all masses in the Parish on Saturday evening and Sunday morning next, 11th/12th December 2021.
Donations can be dropped into the SVP Letter Box in the Community Centre, Pallas Street
or be made on line by going to http/www.svp.ie/stbridgidsborrisoleigh. There is also a facility to donate by calling 0818 176176 and you can specify that you want your donation to go to St. St. Bridgid’s Conference, Borrisoleigh.
Request For Help
If you experiencing difficulties and need a helping hand at Christmas or at any time during the year you can contact St. Bridgid’s Conference, SVP, Borrisoleigh on 086 8951926 or by dropping a note into SVP Post Box in the Community Centre, Pallas Street and we will call you back as soon as possible. You will be dealt with it in the strictest confidence and with compassion.
Certificate Programme in Lay Pastoral Ministry and Leadership
One of the actions emerging from the Diocesan Pastoral Plan Seeds of Hope is supporting and guiding lay people in leadership and pastoral ministry. The Archdiocese is offering each parish two places on a two- year certificate programme in Lay Pastoral Ministry and Leadership. For further information please email pastoral.office@cashel-emly.ie or contact Katherine 086 1033761 or Sadie 086 1033763. There will be an information meeting on zoom on Monday 6th Dec. Repeated Thursday 9th Dec 7:30pm
Thought for the week: Work hard in silence, Let success make the noise.
Society of St Vincent De Paul – Annual Collection
Hedgerow Week 2021
Biodiversity of Hedges
Scoil Naomh Cualán
We are very busy in Scoil Naomh Cualán preparing for Christmas. This week we put up our decorations and the school purchased a Christmas Annual for every child. The senior classes have been playing festive tunes on their tin whistles and the junior classes have been learning Christmas songs.
Milford Hospice Coffee Morning
A Coffee Morning was held recently by Sheila Ryan and Family, Coolataggle in aid of Milford Hospice. It was a very successful day and a total of €3400 has been donated. A huge thank you to everyone.
Keys found
Community Centre Borrisoleigh
Parish Centre St. Stephens Day Cycle
Fundraising cycle for our Parish Centre is on 26th December. We will have 2 cycles:
Cycle 1 is Thurles- Templemore – Home.
Cycle 2 with the Axa group is The Ragg – Templemore – Home.
Both cycles will depart the new Sports Hall in the GAA grounds at 10am.
Pic of the Past
Your Website Needs You
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.
Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
This website is supported by Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.
While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook