St. Cualans Social Club
St. Cualans social Club will take a bus to Mount St. Joseph’s Roscrea for Easter Confessions next Sat April 8. The bus will leave the square in Borrisoleigh@2pm and should be back by 5.30pm. Anyone interested in going please give your name to either Eileen Slattery 087 9849848 or Lucia Ryan 086 3961211 before Thurs April 6.

All roads will lead to Cappamore on Saturday next where Katie Shanahan will represent Tipperary in the Munster Final of Senior Scór. We wish Katie the very best of luck.
Track Attack Notes
Declan Maher Financial Services
Declan Maher Financial Services is the new sponsor for the Track-Attack Club for the coming year. As one of the founder members of the club, Declan have put in endless hours into the development and promotion of the club and now he has taken his support for the club to an all new level.
A nominee in the “Best New Broker” category at the LPI Awards 2017 which gives recognition to the life, pension and investment brokers who have proved their excellence, professionalism and dedication to maintaining high standards in the Irish market, Declan’s business is based in Liberty Square in Thurles and he can be contacted at (087) 1444977 or by checking out his website at
In 2017, Declan will be the main sponsor for our upcoming Track-Attack Trilogy of events namely the Borrisoleigh Mile on the 24th April, the Borrisoleigh 5km on the 27th of June and the Trip around Tipp on the 8th of July.
Track-Attack would like to thank Declan for his extremely kind sponsorship and we would urge all our members and supporters to support Declan in his line of business whenever possible.
Busy Week Ahead
It’s a busy week ahead on the local road-running scene and it all kick-starts next Sunday morning in nearby Killea when their annual festival of running starts at 12:30pm. In what is a brilliant promotion of running, there is a distance available to all who have any interest in competing.
On the day, athletes can choose from one of 3 distances namely 5km, 10km and 10 miles. We would encourage all our Track-Attackers to stick on a club shirt and head to compete.
On the following Friday (Good Friday), it’s destination Loughmore for the annual John Kelly road race. This event has a 6pm start with entries taken from 5:30pm onwards. Again we would encourage all Track-Attackers to make the short journey and lend your support to the local events.
Track-Attackers on Tour
After 2 hugely successful Series on the Track over the winter months, Track-Attack intend to hit the roads on Monday nights over the coming weeks as we visit some of the areas where non Borrisoleigh Track-Attackers hail from.
On May 8th, we head to Templederry which is the home parish for many Track-Attackers. On May 15th we are heading to Drom while the following week (22nd), we will be heading to Latteragh Wood. Gortagarry will be the next stop-over on May 29th. On June 12th, its destination Templemore followed by a trip to Kilcommon on June 19th while the final stop-off is in Fantane on July 3rd.
All Ireland winning hurling captain Brendan Maher and Track-Attack Main Sponsor Declan Maher
Track-Attack’s Catering Team at Launch night of Trip Around Tipp – (L-R) Phil Mason, Betty Slattery, Deirdre Collins and Teresa Murray
Track-Attack’s Main Sponsor Declan Maher speaking at Launch of Trip Around Tipp
A group of sponsors and Track-Attackers at the launch of Trip Around Tipp
Guest Speaker Brendan Maher speaking at the Launch of Trip Around Tipp
Borris-Ileigh GAA Club

The annual Borrisoleigh GAA Golf Classic will take place on 12th and 13th of May in Thurles Golf Club. As always teams of 4 cost €120 and if you wish to book a time please contact Martin Fahy.
Free Job Club Course
2 week Thurles Job Club Programme
Kickham St Thurles
Free to all
Job Search & Interview Techniques,
40 euro paid to participants on completion of programme
Start dates:
April 18th 2017 Mon – Fri 10am – 12.30pm
May 2nd 2017 Mon – Fri 10am – 12.30pm
Contact Suzanne/ Linda 0504 90579
Gardening Classes
A series of gardening classes will begin in the Community Centre, Borrisoleigh on next Monday night 3rd April at 8 pm sharp. Terriesa Torode – who writes a gardening column in The Nenagh Guardian will be our tutor. All welcome €10 euro cost per night (will be less if more people take part), to book phone Mary Ryan on 086 192 1554
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club
Our next monthly meeting takes place on Wed April 5 @ 8.30pm in the Community Centre Borrisoleigh. This club is open to men and women and anyone from our neighbouring parishes would be very welcome to join. Membership €10.
During the month of April we have members going to a cookery demonstration and more going to a concert in Bru Boru Cashel.
Between meetings full details of all events going on will be texted out to paid up members. Anyone wishing to get more details please contact either Eileen on 087 9849848 or Lucia 086 3961211.
Tipperary Independence Tours
Borris-Ileigh Camogie Club

Seniors now progress to the League County Final. Well done girls. Details to be announced. Further updates on Borris-Ileigh camogie Facebook page.
JUNIOR’s play Ballingarry this Sat April 8th at 6.30 at home.
U16’s play Kilruane on Thursday April 6th at 7pm at home.
U14’s play Portroe (away) this Friday April 7th at 6.30
Remaining fixtures.
Fri April 14th v Toomevara
Thurs April 20th v Kildangan
Fri April 28th v Moneygall
Tues May 9th May v Burgess
Good luck to all.
U10, 8 & 6’s will recommence training this Monday April 10th at 7pm. Parents will be notified by text. New members always welcome.
First U8 County Blitz is scheduled for Saturday April 29th at the camogie gounds, The Ragg.
CLOTHES COLLECTION will take place on Saturday April 22nd, so if you are doing some clearing out, please put some clothes aside for this collection. Any enquires, please contact any committee member.
Fundraising PROGRESSIVE 25 CARD DRIVE takes place on Wednesday April 5th in the Marion Hall at 8.30. Non-player draw and refreshments served. All welcome. Tickets available from Hurley’s & Walsh’s Borrisoleigh.
Pic of the Past ………..down memory lane

Phil, Lauren, Trevor and Mary Butler Ryan, Aughvolyshane
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath and Derry O’Donnell
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.
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