Our Parish Mission

There was a wonderful response to our Parish Mission last week. Parishioners came in great numbers to attend the various ceremonies. It was edifying to see so many people, including children, families, young and not so young celebrating their faith with joy and enthusiasm. Great community spirit was evident both in Church and the Community Centre where breakfast was a special treat after morning Masses.
Thumbs up Fr. Seamus!!
Thanks to all who worked so hard in preparing for the Mission, all who participated and all who attended during the week and to ‘the breakfast people’ in the Centre.
Teachers and Transition Year Students of St. Joseph’s College, Borrisoleigh together with Brendan Maher
Thanks to the Redemptorist Mission Team of Fr. Seamus, Niamh, and Fr. Derek who led us with such great vigour and energy together with Fr. Everard.
Leisha & Kelly at lighting of memorial tree
Family night
Diarmuid and Paul meet Fr. Seamus
To view more photos click here
A meeting is being held in The Bothy on Friday night 13th Dec at 7.30pm to discuss the possibility of starting a Men’s Shed in Borrisoleigh. If interested in getting involved or finding out more, but can’t make the meeting phone Derry on 086-3191673.
What is a Men’s Shed? From menssheds.ie:- A Men’s Shed is any community-based, non-commercial organisation which is open to all men where the primary activity is the provision of a safe, friendly and inclusive environment where the men are able to gather and/or work on meaningful projects at their own pace, in their own time and in the company of other men and where the primary objective is to advance the health and well- being of the participating men. Men’s sheds may look like a shed in your back yard, yet they innovatively share some characteristics of both community education and health promotion projects.
To find out more about Men’s Sheds visit www.menssheds.ie
Paul Mason recently got married to Emma Cairns on the 22nd of November 2013. Paul and Emma live in Perth, Australia and celebrated their marriage in the Infinity Chapel, Conrad Hilton, Bali, Indonesia. Pauls parents Tom and Philomena, brother Gerard, sister Natasha and his aunt Eileen, uncle Larry and cousin Annette and her husband Miguel and daughter Aoife traveled over to Bali for the wedding.
Paul and Emma would like to thank everyone that traveled to the wedding in Bali from Ireland, Scotland, England and Australia and for sharing their special day with them. It was one day that everyone involved will never forget.
Emma and Paul on their happy day
John, Brides sister Ali, cousin Fiona, Parents Tommy and Caroline, Aunt and Uncle Lesley and Gus, Emma and brides brother Fraiser
Natasha, Tom, Emma, Paul, Philomena and Gerard
Miguel, Aoife, Annette, Larry, Natasha, Tom, Emma, Paul, Philomena, Eileen and Gerard
County Champions of Scór na Nóg of Léiriú 2013
There was a great nights entertainment in Cashel last Friday night for the County Final of Scór Na Nóg. Borrisoleigh were represented in the Solo Song, Leiriu and Set Dancing.
The competition was very strong in most competitions but two Coutny titles came our way. Katie Shanahan won the Solo Song singing Lovely Derry and the Leiriu competition group(Kate Delaney, Ciara Ryan, Orla Ryan, Ewan Young, Nicky Cooney, Luke Cooney, James Ryan and Aaron Rabbitte) gave a very entertaining/professional performance and well deserved to take the County title. Finally for Borrisoleigh on the night was the set dancing. Our group danced very well but were narrowly defeated.The set dancing group was Lorna Ryan, Ciara Ryan, Laoise McGrath, Katie Shanahan, Aedin Hogan, Ciara Doolan, Tara Mockler and Kate Delaney.
The next round for the Scor Na Nog will be on Jan 5 in Cashel and we wish our representatives the best of luck.
The County Final of the question time for Scór Na Nóg will take place in Moyne Hall on sat Jan 18 at 7.30pm. The format is changed this year. It will be 10 rounds of 10 questions. It will be teams of 4 and it will be all team questions. If anyone is interested in putting a team together or wants to register their name they can do so until Jan 11 by giving their names to any of the committee members.
Our final set dancing class before Christmas is next Mon night Dec 16. This will be our party night and we hope to have a ‘Surprise’ guest.
Need to run off the Turkey?! The annual Borrisoleigh Fun Run/ Walk in aid of the new Community Centre is on the 26th of December at 11am. The 10km run starts at 11am and the 5km walk starts at 11:10am. The registration and starting point is located in the church grounds and is open from 10am. It is 10 euro for adults, 5 euro for children or 20 euro for a family or you can obtain a sponsorship card from the community centre between 9:30 am and 12:30pm. We hope to see you there!
Bush & Briar Ramblers

1. Bush and Briar Ramblers Outing:
On Saturday 14th Dec, leaving Borrisoleigh at 9.00am the Bush and Briar Ramblers will be travelling to Kilcommon to walk the Pilgrim Loop walk.
Boots are essential to join our walks. We recommend you carry some rain proof clothing and something to eat and drink for the walk. New comers welcome!
There was some confusion last month about timings, so we the meeting times are as follows:
Meeting Place: Rear Car Park of Shanahan’s Service Station
Timings: Meeting at 8.50am for departure at 9.00am
2. Mid Tipp Hillwalkers
On Sunday 22nd Dec – Annual Holly Walk
This easy ramble is designed to suit the entire family. This year’s walk takes place among the lovely woodland trails of spectacular Glenpatrick, and is always a great social occasion. Wear something Christmassy for a memorable day. For further information contact: Carmel 086-2602133
3. Annual Devils Bit Charity Walk
On Friday 27th December – In aid of LARCC (Cancer Support Centre)
There are two walks, a long walk and a short walk. For those who want a bit of a challenge the long walk departs at 10.30am and for the recommended and gentler walk the departure time is 12.00 noon. For both walks the meeting place is in the square in Templemore near the Arms Hotel. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Remembrance Christmas Tree 2013
There was a large crowd in attendance on Sunday 8th December for the inaugural turning on of the lights of the Remembrance Christmas Tree. Students from the local schools entertained the awaiting crowd with some lovely Christmas carols. There was a surprise visit, with a Garda escort, from Santa, who took some time out from his busy Christmas schedule, to turn on the lights. The Remembrance Books are still available for writing the names of loved ones into in The Adoration Chapel in the Church, The Chemist and The Post Office. Once sufficient time has been left for people to write into them, Fr. Liam Everard will be collecting them to say a mass for all the names of the departed mentioned in the books. Check the photo gallery for more photos from the night.
Fr. Liam blessing the Remembrance Christmas Tree
Santa Arrives!
Santa meets some local children
The Tree lights up!
Some of The Remembrance Christmas Tree 2013 Committee aka ‘Santa’s little helpers’
Some of the volunteers who helped put up the tree on Saturday morning
To view more pictures click here for Gallery 1 and here for Gallery 2

The Bothy book club will run the on a Saturday every month. It is for primary school children from the parish. The children will all meet, receive a book on loan to read at home and return to The Bothy a month later to chat about it. Did they like it? What bit did they like the best, have they read a book that they could recommend to there friends etc. It is all for fun and enjoyment. Edel Groome is very kindly facilitating the book club on a voluntary basis. This club is FREE at The Bothy.
Children aged 8-12 yrs have book club 11:30-Noon.
(Due to the success of our book club last month we would please request that the 8-12 yrs old to come into The Snug at 11:30 only)
All welcome- see you in the Snug from Saturday 14th December 2013 from 11:00 a.m. to noon

Cross Country Races
John Paul Fahey, Seamus Farrell, Paraic Maher, Dinny Howard,
Derek Ryan, Micheal Sadlier and Brian O’Rourke
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Margaret Cowan, Marie McGrath, Aileen Óg Groome, Derry O’Donnell and Michael Carey
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items. Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook!
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