
Club Gear: The last order of gear will be put in soon in order to have it ready for Christmas. Mark Stapleton will be taking orders and can be contacted on 086 8143486. All orders must be paid for up front.
AGM: The AGM of Borris-Ileigh GAA will take place on Sunday 15th of December at 18:30. All nominations and amendments are to be sent to secretary.borrisileigh.tipperary@gaa.ie
Walking Track: We hope to have the lights working on the new walking track in a little over a week. We ask people who bring their dogs to keep them on a leash AT ALL TIMES and to clean up and dirt. This track is for everybody and we want as many people as possible to enjoy it.
There are a few changes to Scor na Nog this year. The main change is that there will be no question time for the North final and the Co. final of question time will be held seperately to the rest of the competitions. If anyone has any interest in taking part please contact any of the committee and you will be notified once a date has been set.
Set dancing classes continue every monday night in the Marian Hall from 6.45pm. If anyone has set dancing shoes which they no longer require we would very much appreciate to get them. They could be dropped to the hall any monday night or contact any committee member and we could arrange to pick them up.
Suir Haven Table Quiz

For further information please contact Kathleen Ryan, Cooleen on 0879865909 or 0504 52307

Lights will be turned on at 6pm by Santy. More information to follow…….
Christmas at The Bothy

A great night is guaranteed!
Congratulations Mark!
Mark Shanahan receiving his Level 6 Advanced certificate Craft – Vehicle repairs. In the picture Martin Brett Mayor of Kilkenny, Mark Shanahan and Paul O’Toole Director General of FAS.
Mark is past pupil of Fantane and St Joseph’s Borrisoleigh
Friday 29th November at 7.30pm.
A representative from Muintir na Tire will be present and will provide information on how to expand text alert to the entire Parish.
All are Welcome.
For more information contact Michael Ryan 087 – 2898873 or Mary Ryan 087 – 7667040

Under 8’s with Brendan Fanning and Triona Fitzgerald

Next Saturday the 23rdNovember we will have our Annual General Meeting in the park at 7 p.m. All members aged 16 and over are eligible to vote. Nomination papers are available in Walsh’s Costcutters and must be returned by Wednesday the 20th November. We would like to take this opportunity to encourage everybody to attend and those interested in getting involved to come along. It is a great way to get to know people and give back to your community. The club is growing and additional volunteers are always needed. Volunteers are vital to the organisation and management of Borris-IleighCamogie Club.The time, dedication and energy they devote are of the utmost importance in keeping the club running and working well. Without volunteers the club would find it difficult to function and may cease to exist. This shows volunteers are extremely valuable and deserve praise, thanks and recognition. Anyone can volunteer, whether they are young, old, male, female, able bodied, disabled, employed, unemployed.
Administration: Camogie club merchandise now available Hoodies, tracksuits, t-shirts, jerseys and raincoats available. See Advertising Section of www.borrisoleigh.ie for pictures. If interested please contact Caroline at 086 1522716. You can also follow us on Facebook.
First outings of the new hillwalking group on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th November.
BOOTS ESSENTIAL. Also recommended are raingear and something to eat and drink (Snack).
Easy to moderate walk of between 2 to 3 hours walking. Looking forward to seeing you all!

St. Theresa’s N.S

I am glad to inform the Borrisoleigh Website readers of the recent inauguração of our new Parish Centre in my parish here in Araioses, Maranhão Brasil. This building has been done with a major participation of the people of Borrisoleigh and Templederry who have constantly supported me in my work over the years. The principle function of this building is to offer to the poorer people a place where they can meet for a cup of coffee when they come to the town or chat with one of us priests, ( or a lay person trained to listen), to those who wish to share with us their problems and difficulties. We are three priests here in the parish and each day one of us offers a confession or counselling service in the New Secretaria. Its an important service to a people who are denied access to other professional helpers, such as psychologists and lawyers and other social workers. The other two priests with me are Brasileiros and are much younger than me and obviously have a much greater appeal to the people than the old Padre Matias !!
I´d just like to say thanks to all who have been supporting my work here in Brasil and especially to those who have been sending me money over the last few years through Marian Harrington from Templederry. She has been a marvellous support to to our Redemptorist Mission here in Brasil. So I finish up wishing you all a very Happy Christmas ! Matt

There´s a great variety to life on the Missions !!!. I generally use the Motor Bike to go to the Masses in the interior, but I also go at times by boat and often people come to meet me with a horse or mule when the roads are very bad.I am very lucky here to have two very good young padres with me and they prefer the town work to the County-side. I love hitting off to the hills and valleys and islands in the parish. It wasn´t by chance that I was born and brought up in the very rural setting of Cooleen !

Paddy Delaney, Tony Rabbitte and Tom Kiely
Front: Michael Small and Sgt. Pat Forde
(On the occasion of Pat Forde’s departure from Borrisoleigh)
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