
 Well done Sarah

Sarah competed in the all Ireland 2km race walking competition representing Templemore athletic club, Tipperary and Munster, on the 24th of July, finishing in 7th place in a time of
11.57.64 which was her personal best time.

Sarah previously competed in the County and Munster stages earning a gold medal in each. She is finished training until September and would like to thank her trainers Martin Leyden, Seamus Kavanagh, Seamus Hartigan and Trevor Nesirkey who have put in a lot of effort all year.


 New Computer Business in Borrisoleigh 


 First Ever Tipperary Women’s Mini Marathon!


All registration can be done online (www.tippminimarathon.ie) and closing date for entries is 10th September, 2010.

For further information please contact Elaine/Sharon at North Tipperary Sports Partnership, 067-43604, www.ntsp.ie or Valerie/Eddie at South Tipperary Sports Partnership, 062-64737, www.stsp.ie

Manchester United Fans

Some of the local lads with friends (all Man United fans) from Newport in Wales who are all heading to the Soccer match this evening for the opening of the Aviva Stadium at 7:45pm. Manchester Untied V Airtricity League XI selection.

Birthday Boy

David Butler celebrated his 30th Birthday last Saturday night.

David enjoying his party with some some of the girls from the Soccer Club in which he is a trainer

Niamh, Eimear and Nicole enjoying the party.

Marian Hall Lotto


Numbers: 1, 8, 12, 17

No Winner

6 Match 3 Winners

Anne Murphy, Clonmore
Patricia Ryan, Fantane
Mary Costello, Main Street
Annie Higgleston, Nenagh
Mary Lanigan-Ryan, Main Street
Carol Treacy, Fantane

Next Weeks Lotto Jackpot


 Current News Deadline!

As the preparation and uploading of our weekly Current News can be time consuming, we would appreciate if news items/photos etc could be submitted to info@borrisoleigh.ie by 8pm Tuesday evening in order to guarantee inclusion.

Items submitted after this time may need to be deferred to the following week.


  Pic of the Past…Down Memory Lane

Mary Stapleton and Joan Campion, Main Street

 Your website needs you! 

Website Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Margaret Cowan, Aileen Óg Groome, Marie McGrath and Michael Barry

Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items for this weeks current news. Well done!

Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie

Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook!

While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site.