Front Row L – R Maria Mockler, Pauline O’Brien, Nicole Walsh, Noirín Stapleton, Mari Ryan, Niamh McGrath, Aoife Stapleton, Clare Kavanagh, Teresa Ryan, Louise Fahy, Christine Kenny, Cliodnagh Bourke, Maria Ryan, Niamh Lyons and Kate Lyons
Team Leaders and Adult Helpers
Brendan Kenny

At 0400 (yes, 4 o’clock AM) on Saturday 26th July, 27 young Foróige members and 8 less-young adult leaders left Borris’ for Rosslare Harbour to get the ferry to Fishguard, Wales. There they would get a bus transfer to Oakwood, the well known theme park in Pembrokeshire. Actually, they left a little later than 0400 because one particular member was fast asleep at home… You know who you are! Anyway, the trip was uneventful yet comfortable, thanks mainly to the super comfort of JJ Kavanagh’s top-of-the-range 08 bus. Watching a DVD on the way down, the trip seemed to pass in no time. The blue and pink Foróige t-shirts were handed out. Here we had a fashion dispute as some of our more daring males wanted to wear pink for the day!
The ferry crossing was leisurely though difficult for some. The conditions were mild but some seemed to be spending plenty of time in the toilets. Some managed to get some sleep while some just relaxed with their iPods. The bus journey from Fishguard flew also. Indeed there was great anticipation as people caught sight of the signposts for Oakwood. As we pulled into the carpark at Oakwood and everybody caught sight of some of the huge rides that awaited, most were itching for the action while a few lightweights just said "No way!"
That was 11.00am and we were informed by our bus driver that we had to be back at the bus at 4.45pm. That gave everybody plenty of time to get their adrenalin fix. With unlimited use of all rides bar one after paying for entry, nobody would want for any of that heart-pumping drug! Everybody left in their bags and went on their way. Three brave groups of three immediately booked themselves into Vertigo, the only attraction that had to be paid for after entry to the park. This heart-stopping bungee-jump style ride is not for the faint hearted though one probably has to be a little crazy to put themselves through it. One would definitely want to have packed fresh underwear! A highlight of the day was watching three of our courageous leaders as they put themselves through it just before leaving for home. The screams will live long in the memory.
While the theme park is full of attractions, the main ones after Vertigo have to be the three roller-coaster rides. These are:
Hydro, a simple one-drop roller-coaster where the primary aim/attraction is to get drenched wet. Few members had a go as the queue was too long due to the fact that it opened later than all others. Also, few (though not all!) were that keen on getting soaked.
Megafobia, a wooden bone-shaker of a roller-coaster that creaks and rattles with every turn. Genuinely awesome!
Speed, a crazy roller-coaster ride! Including a vertical drop facing the ground, a loop-the-loop, a screwdriver-style turn plus plenty more, all done at breakneck speed, this is arguably the best attraction in the park. Seriously class! The Speed photos are the funniest that came back to Borris’.
Other attractions to top-up the adrenalin stores were the swinging Pirate Ship and Bounce, neither of which are suitable for a weak stomach. A smaller roller-coaster called Treetops, which wound in and around a small forest of firs and spruces (very cool!), proved to be a perfect step-up to the more difficult, speedier rides.
Everybody gathered without any bother at 4.30 p.m. and we got a group photo before we left. The bus back to the ferry was uneventful as was the ferry crossing to Rosslare. However, some of our party had the good fortune to run into Shane McGowan of Pogues fame, two of whom managed to get a photo with the famous Tipperary singer. The bus trip home was quiet and relaxed, though it did seem endless for many as they just wanted to get home to bed. Very few saw the DVD in full. Some failed to get any real sleep as they spent the journey with one eye open, watching out for budding make-up artists who were ready to decorate unsuspecting victims’ faces!!
We pulled into Borris at midnight exactly, a 20 hour day safely and happily down. Everyone slouched home aching for a long night’s sleep, though a few leaders still had something left in the tank and went for a well-deserved night-cap. All the leaders would heartily acknowledge that the conduct of all 27 young people, for the entire day, was exemplary and for this they are thanked most sincerely. Not only this, but their sense of humour and brilliant personalities added hugely to what was a super day out for everybody. Hopefully the Foróige club will resume in the Autumn going from strength to strength, as we have achieved much in our very short time in existence. Well done to all involved.
New e-mail address: borrisoleigh.foroige@gmail.com

Blessed among Women!!!
However it does play a role in our lives. Employers have taken to check out prospective employees on the internet. Suddenly the video clip that had seemed hilarious after a night on the town is not what a potential employer wants to see.
What happens if someone else is videoing you and puts it on the internet unknown to you? Photos and video clips can be expertly edited to cause the maximum embarrassment. There is no way of taking this footage off these sites. Once a clip is put into cyber space that’s it, you have no control over it. Stories of people being sacked over the content of their web pages are in the print media regularly.
Video clips put up on social network pages such as Bebo, Youtube and Facebook are having devastating effects on people’s lives. As recently as this week it was reported that a man has been sent to prison for threats he made against his ex-girlfriend on Bebo. Who wants to take a chance like this?
A recent survey commissioned by The Irish Independent and R.T.E.’s Prime Time showed that one in five girls were victims of cyber bullying.
Primary and secondary schools have adopted policies banning mobile phones. Students were arranging fights. These were being filmed. Add some rock music; it makes the clip more attractive but it also drowns out the shouts of the students fighting. Hey presto, the piece is ready for the net. This is not just a problem in city areas. Clips from schools in other counties have made their way to this parish. Young teenagers are pushed into fighting each other. They feel they have no choice, they are afraid of being called a “sissy”. Instead of their friends helping them to get away from a fight they pull out their phones and video it.
A few simple steps can put parents minds at ease and keep young people safe.
- Have the computer in a family room where it is easy to monitor sites opened.
- Explain to older children and teenagers the problems that may arise. Discuss stories reported in the media regarding the internet.
- Check out sites such as Bebo. Be aware of their content.
- If young people find themselves in a situation where bullying etc is taking place tell someone: a family member, youth leader etc do something remember it could be you next time.
- If you don’t want someone to take a photo or video you say so.
Better to be safe than sorry – be safe!!!
A second round of partying took place back at Gemma’s under the watchful eye of Mother! (Pat took the night off – well done Pat!). On another front Gemma recently completed her Arts Degree in Geography and Economics in U.C.C.. We wish her the very best for the future.

Gemma with some of her friends from Cork

Gemma with sister Maria and Borris friends
Click on the following link for more photos of Gemma’s 21st:
Cleaning up in Borris!

FÁS workers Martin Kennedy, John Treacy and Patrick Ryan doing their bit to keep Borris tidy

Philip Delaney and Catherine Delaney with the Under 10 Camogie Girls for training at The Park on Saturday July 10th

Gemma at World Youth Day 2008
Gemma Ryan of Cooleen in front of The Sydney Opera House, Australia during her recent trip there to World Youth Day 2008. More photos and a report from Gemma in next week’s Current News.

Four teams came to do battle, in the game that Linda loved – Boherlahan, Borrisoleigh, Gortnahoe and Newport. All teams gave everything of what they had to offer in an entertaining, and at times thrilling, display of camogie. Borrisoleigh and Newport reached the final with Newport emerging as final victors.
Vinny O’Connor thanked all four teams for their tribute to his daughter and all who attended the Tournament. He presented the trophy and medals to the Newport and Borrisoleigh team players on behalf of his family. Carmel O’Brien (selector) spoke of the team spirit and dedication of the Borrisoleigh team. Refreshments were served in the pavilion after the final. A great day was had by all.
The finalists and back room staffs!

Borrisoleigh and Newport teams – the finalists in the Linda O’Connor Memorial Tournament with their coaches and selectors
Rallying the troops!

Jimmy Slattery (Coach) giving words of encouragement to his girls at half time during the final
Keeping an eye on the ball!
Joanne Cowan keeping a close eye on things during the final against Newport
Oouch – that hurt!!!

Vinny presents Caroline with her medal and a peck on the cheek!
Multi-tasking on the job!

Vera Hogan providing refreshments for the teams as she takes an incoming call! – while Evelyn Groome provides refreshments of a different kind to her daughter Therese during the Camogie Tournament in The Park last Sunday
We have created three galleries of photographs of The Tournament. These may be viewed by clicking on the following links:
) http://www.borrisoleigh.ie/viewGallery.php?gal=36&name=Linda%20O%20Connor%20Memorial%20Tournament%20%20(3)The following e-mail was recieved during the week. If anyone can help please contact the e- mail address below: I am doing a family search – records here in New York. (Flushing) say that our relatives came from Borrisoleigh. Their names were Edward (1854 – 1935) and Richard (1848 – 1896). Their parents were Richard Stapleton and May Cantwell. If anyone knows these persons feel free to contact me at stpltnrc6@aol.com. I will call if someone gives me their telephone number. Many thanks Rick Stapleton.
Enjoying Comhaltas Session
Every picture tells a story…..
Mary O’Rorke, Betty Rafter and Rory O’Rorke on the occasion of Rory’s birthday celebrations in Stapleton”s
Mary, will you pedal this one with me?!
Mary and Michael Tierney enjoying a dance
The two Micks!
Mick Kennedy and Mick Collins in Stapleton’s last Thursday

The Minor Hurling Team were again triumphant this evening Tuesday 29th July. They defeated Lorrha in Lorrha. The final score was Borrisoleigh 2-13 to Lorrha 1-7.
Well done to all concerned.
Marian Hall Lotto
Numbers: 03, 04, 11, 14
No Jackpot Winner
2 match 3 winners @ €75 each
Mary McCarthy, Kennedy Park, Thurles
Corey Ryan, Pallas Street, Borrisoleigh
Next Weeks Lotto Jackpot
News items, photographs, upcoming events etc. from home and away should be sent to
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