18 January 2017
Borris-Ileigh Juvenile GAA
Borris-Ileigh Camogie Club
Borrisoleigh Festival AGM
The parish final of Scór na bPaístí, Borrisoleigh will take place in the Marian Hall on Sunday the 5th February at 2pm. If you wish to enter please register on or before Monday, January 30th. You can register in the Marian Hall on the 30th January 6.30-8.30 or by contacting Clare on 087 2820497.
P.S. Senior Scór will take place in mid March so start practising.
Community Games 2017
The County Finals of the Cross Country and the Marathon will take place in Thurles Crokes on Friday 27th January at 7.00.
The Cross Country will be ran off first followed by the Marathon. (Spikes Allowed)
Cross Country Mixed Distance Relays = U12 Boys & Girls – Run 500m. The first 6 (4 + 2 Subs) across the line make up the County
Teams. U14 Boys & Girls – Run 700m. The first 6 (4 + 2 Subs) across the line make up the County Teams.
The Cross Country = U13 Boys & Girls – Run 1200m. The first 4 Girls and first 4 Boys across the line make up the County Team.
U16 Marathon = 7k (Boys & Girls). The first 4 Girls and first four Boys across the line make up County Team.
Rules for all events may be viewed on www.communitygames.ie
Please contact Sheila Kiely to enter participants on 0864030458
MHRA Training HR Management

MHRA Training Supervisory Skills

Pic of the Past ………..down memory lane

First Solo Flight – 1954
Jimmy Chadwick, Main Steet, an aeroplane enthusiast, after completing his first solo flight.
Your Website Needs You!
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath and Derry O’Donnell
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.
Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to:info@borrisoleigh.ie
While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site.
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook