16 September 2020
Scoil Naomh Cualán
On Saturday 12th of September the girls and boys of third class finally made their First Holy Communion. It was a long awaited day, but it was one worth waiting for. The girls and boys looked fantastic in their beautiful dresses, suits and blazers. Every pupil read their part beautifully and were a credit to their teachers Mr. Kennedy, Mrs. Clohessy and Mrs. Slattery and indeed the whole school.
Scoil Naomh Cualán would like to thank Fr Hennessy for putting together such a beautiful ceremony and for helping to prepare the children for their big day. We would also like to thank Anna Bradshaw and Anne-Marie and Claire Kavanagh for the beautiful music that added so much to the ceremony. A big thank you to Noreen Ryan who had the church looking so well and the CE scheme men who put up the bunting and welcome banner in the church yard. And finally, thank you to Clare Ryan and Frances Kennedy who produced a lovely mass booklet that will be a memento for the children of their First Holy Communion day.
We are delighted to welcome 26 wonderful new children to Junior Infants in Scoil Naomh Cualán. They have been settling in really well to their new school!
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club would like to offer it’s sympathies to the family of Mary Fogarty Latteragh Templederry who died last Fri. Mary was a very active member of our club and went on many trips with us. She was a great character and full of fun. She will be very sadly missed by us all. Rip Mary.
St. Cualáns Social Club
Everybody in St. Cualáns Social Club are sending birthday wishes to Peg McLoughney, The Orchard, Borrisoleigh who celebrated her 100th birthday recently. We wish you continued good and happiness. Congratulations Peg

Due to Covid Peg could not have the party that she would have liked but she was delighted by a visit from Fr Hennessy who gave her a blessing on her special day.
Parish News
- The public celebration of Sunday Masses recommenced on Saturday evening 5th September subject to the following guidelines as proposed by the Irish Bishops Conference, the H.S.E and Archbishop Kieran.
The Guidelines are as follows:
- Please observe the social distancing guidelines (2m) on entering and leaving the Church.
- Please sit in pew places that are clearly labelled.
- People coming from different households must sit 2m apart in same pew ie. at either end of it.
- People coming from the same household may sit together in the same pew.
- Bear in mind the capacity of both churches is reduced to 50 people. This is because of the Govt. regulations.
- On entering and leaving the church, please sanitise your hands.
- Please observe and heed the Covid-19 notices inside and outside of churches.
- For the reception of Holy Communion, please observe the 2m social distancing guideline. There will be floor markings to help and guide you.
- Stewards will be in place, to guide you to your pews and will be there to direct you at Holy Communion time. . Please co-operate with them, Holy Communion will be distributed at the end of Mass.
- There will be a one-way system in operation in both churches. Entry is by the main door and exit by the side doors
- Please place your envelopes/offerings in the box which is situated in the main porch of Church.
- Please observe the 2m Social distancing guidelines in Church grounds.
If you wish to attend Sunday Mass please bear the following in mind:
- The capacity in each of the Churches has been reduced to 50 people.
- The dispensation from Sunday and Holyday of Obligation is extended for the time being. You may attend a weekday Mass instead of Sunday Mass.
- The Dept. of Health strongly recommends that people who are over 70, or have a condition which makes them medically vulnerable should stay at home as much as possible.
- People who may have COVID-19 symptoms are advised to remain at home.
- The wearing of face coverings is strongly recommended for everyone attending Sunday Masses except for those under 13 and those with a medical condition.
Altar boys and girls will re-commence serving Mass at a later date.
Readers will begin reading at Mass also at a later date.
The weekend Mass times are as follows:.
Saturday 7pm-Borrisoleigh
Sunday 9.30-Ileigh
Sunday 11am-Borrisoleigh.
Thought for the week: If you don’t have time to pray and read scriptures, you are busier than God ever intended you to be.
Axa Community Bike Ride
Another great cycle last Saturday morning in beautiful sunshine and hoping next Saturday morning we will be as lucky.Make sure and register to enjoy a lovely social event on axa bikeride.com
Pic of the Past

Central Quarry Latteragh – The Work Force
Back: Dick Kennedy, Jack Barry, Con Howard, Tim McLoughlin, Ned Carey,
William Ryan, Tommy Bergin, Tommy McLoughlin and Matt Fahey
Middle: Jack Hingerty, Paddy Hayes, Michael Deegan, Michael Dunne, Frankie Leamy and Mick Hayes
Front: Ned Tobin, Peter Hingerty, Willie Coughlan, Pat Kennedy, Ned Creagh and Tim Ryan
Your Website Needs You
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell and Fiona Max
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.
Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
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