14 February 2018
Track Attack Notes

Back Row – Naomi Young (Parents Association) Cillian O’Brien (Student) Karen Ryan (Teacher) Joan Cummins (Teacher & Event Organiser)
Front Row – Sean Shanahan (Sponsor) Kay Ryan (Principal of Scoil Naomh Cualan) Marie Shanahan (Sponsor)

Christy Slattery (Track-Attack) presenting the “Scoil Naomh Cualan Get Active” Cup to Kay Ryan. Also present are Sean and Marie Shanahan of Shanahan’s Centra Borrisoleigh (Sponsor)
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club
The AGM of the Borrisoleigh Active Social Club took place recently. The officers for the coming year are: Chairperson Lucia Ryan Secretary Dolores Delaney Treasurer Eileen Slattery. Membership for the year is €20 which needs to be paid to any of the officers by Feb 20th.
Tipp Toi Tours

Soldier’s Might Poem
Borris-Ileigh GAA Sportswear
New Borris-Ileigh GAA Sportswear now available to purchase at Bourke Sports. Order must be placed before February 24th.
Half Zip: Adults without initials: €44 (Initials are €4 extra) Kids without initials: €38 (Initials are €4 extra)
Pants: Adults without initials: €38 (Initials are €4 extra) Kids without initials: €33 (Initials are €4 extra)
Phone: 087 613 8004
Sr Áine Historical Society
A local event of national significance.
As the War of Independence began to bitterly escalate in early 1920, a number of assassinations took place. Among these was the killing of Tom Dwyer in his public house at Bouladuff at the end of March of that year. At the time, few would have predicted the fatal consequences and fallout that would result from the killing of the young Dwyer. A pattern of “outrage and reprisal” was to quickly emerge, leaving a trail of death and destruction in its wake. Days prior to the calling of the truce, the body of a retired R.I.C. sergeant, was discovered on the roadside between Ballina and Bonniconlon in Co. Mayo. Pinned to the dead man’s chest was a label that read, “Revenge for Dwyer and the Ragg”.
This lecture, by Borrisoleigh historian, John Connors, traces the events leading up to the killing of Tom Dwyer, the military and political fallout, and tells about the series of fatal casualties that were to come in its wake.
In compiling this lecture, as well as examining the various archives relevant to that time, John Connors has interviewed many people from the Ballina / Bonniconlon area, including direct descendants of who many would suspect to be the chief suspect in the killing of Tom Dwyer.
Borris-Ileigh Camogie Club Notes
CARD NIGHT: Many thanks to all who supported our recent Card night, it was a great success. Special thanks to all who bought tickets, provided the food and helped out on the night.
REGISTRATION EVENINGS: Two registration evenings will take place on Friday February 23rd, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm and Thursday March 1st from 7pm to 8pm at the pavilion.
CLOTHES COLLECTION: Time to do the spring clean!!
Clothes collections will take place on Saturday April 21st at the pavilion from 10.00 am to 12 midday, and on Monday and Tuesday evening (April 23rd & 24th) from 7 to 8pm. Your support would be appreciated.
U12 winning shield winners 2017 will be presented with medals at the parish centre on Saturday February 24th at 7.30pm. Well done to all.
U14/16 training resumes this Thursday Feb 15th at 6.15pm at St. Josephs College gym. Many thanks to St. Joseph’s for the use of the hall.
Borrisoleigh Community Centre
Date for the Diary
Fundraiser for North Tipp Hospice March 14th
Cookery Demonstration by Naomi in Borrisoleigh Community Centre.
More Details Later
Templemore Lions Club
Scór na bPáistí
Scór Na bPáistí
We had a very entertaining afternoon last Sunday with the parish final of Scór Na bPáistí. It started with set dancing and first to take to the stage were the beginner’s class. For most of these kids it was their first time on stage and they performed very well.
Two from each category went forward to the Area Final in the Marian Hall in Borrisoleigh on Sunday February 25th.
A big thank you to everybody who helped out at the parish Scór and to everybody who brought sandwiches, cakes etc.
You can find a selection of photos in the Photo Gallery
Scór Sinsear
A date for the diary is Saturday February 24th for the County Semi Final of Scór Sinsear. So get practicing if you wish to take part in any of the events.
Pic of the Past ………..down memory lane

Treacy’s of Fantane
Back: Gerard, Denis, Willie, Seamus, Martin and Michael
Front: Mary, Teresa, Josie, Martin, Pat (in front) Anne, Kathy, Nora, Nonie, Eileen and Peggy
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