12 October 2022
Borris-Ileigh Camogie Club Notes
Borrisoleigh Community Centre
The Annual General Meeting of the Borrisoleigh Community Centre will be held in the Community Centre at 8pm on Wednesday 19th of October. All are welcome.
Parish News
Anniversaries: Saturday 15th October @ 7pm Mass; Seamus Ryan,
Sunday 16th October @ 11am Mass; Michael Saddlier, Fantane.
Thought for the Week: “What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become
is your gift to God- Hans urs von Balthasar.
Eucharistic Adoration
Borrisoleigh Track-Attack Club Notes
St. Joseph’s College
Scór Music Session for Children
A Talk by John Lonergan for World Mental Health Day
John Lonergan, published author who served in the Irish Prison Service for over 42 years. Nowadays he delivers talks on a wide range of subjects to communities, voluntary groups, workers, and students. The topics John discusses include making a difference to others, the importance of community, why we cannot force change on others, reducing suicide risks, and balancing work, home, and family life.
- Clonmel – Thursday 13th Oct at 10:30am – Talbot Hotel – https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/
(same talk in each)
Hairdressing Workshops
ALONE Visitation Support and Befriending Service
Would you be willing to provide companionship to an Older Person for one hour per week? ALONE are currently seeking volunteers for their Visitation Support and Befriending Service in the Borrisoleigh area. Full training and support provided. If interested please sign up here: https://www.tfaforms.com/4890717
For more information, contact Aoife on Aoife.dennehy@alone.ie.
Borrisoleigh Community Development Association
Volunteers wanted! If you have a free hour or two (or more) to help out with maintaining the flower beds and planters around Borrisoleigh, please get in touch. Every little helps, go at your own pace. You can contact Joe Loughnane on 087-9778347.
Pic of the Past

John Stakelum, Michael Kinane
and Jimmy Stapleton pictured outside
Josie Kinane’s shop, Pallas Street.
Note: Raleigh Chopper bicycle in the background.
Your Website Needs You
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.
Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
This website is supported by Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.
While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook