12 May 2021

Website Update!

Over the next few weeks we will be updating the information sections of the website. If you are involved in any of the clubs, groups, schools or businesses and would like to amend or change your information or contact details please email the updated information to info@borrisoleigh.ie

Appeal for News

This is an appeal to those of you who are involved in various activities (limited as they might be in the current circumstances), not to forget to send us an email with a few lines and maybe a photo or two publicising what you are doing. The regular users of this site (particularly those not on social media) would like to see them and it will help paint a fuller picture of what is taking place in and around Borrisoleigh. We rely on you, the local community, to send us your news.


Borrisoleigh Website Committee

Congratulations on your Retirement

Joe Buckley receiving a presentation on his retirement from Fr. Hennessy and the Borrisoleigh Community Centre 


Parish News

Read Notice Re Reopening of Churches:

Covid 19 Regulations re Opening of Churches

Religious Services From 10th of May 50 are permitted to attend Places of Worship for recommencement of Religious Services. As with previous reopening for services, the following protective measures continue to apply:

  • 2m social distancing guidelines adhered to (members of the same household can sit/stand close together)
  • Wearing of face coverings 
  • Where possible separate points of entrance and exit, clearly marked.
  • No congregation by people outside the premises before and after any service
  • Stewards on site to assist in this regard.

It is advised that other religious ceremonies such as First Holy Communions and Confirmations should not take place at this time. 

Attendance at Funerals From 10th May 50 mourners permitted at service. 

Related events, either before or after, should not take place

Weddings From 10th May 50 guests permitted at service (civil or religious). 

For celebrations/receptions, a maximum of 6 people are permitted for indoor gatherings and 15 people for outdoor gatherings

Welcome: A warm welcome to Peter Deely who is our new Community Employment Scheme Supervisor. Good luck to him as he takes up his new role.

Relic Found:  Relic of Padre Pio was found on Main Street opposite the Templemore Junction.  Owner can have same by calling to the Parish Office.

Mass Times: are as follows

10am Monday-Friday-Borrisoleigh

7pm Saturday –Borrisoleigh

9.30am Ileigh

11am –Borrisoleigh.


Active Retirement Club

Active Retirement Ireland Covid-19 Quilt of Hope Project. 
Now that we have some light at the end of the tunnel,  and the majority of members are vaccinated,  we would like you to participate in a project (Quilt of Hope) during the month of May. It is hoped that each ARA will make a quilt; it can be made from one metre squares or any division of that. It can be crochet,  knit, sewn or make from material. 
The Theme of the Project 
A. Togetherness
B. Faith
C. Kindness 
D. Remembrance.  
If you are interested and need more information contact Lucia on 086 3961211

For more information visit https://www.tipperarylibraries.ie/events/category/bealtaine-2021/list/ 


For more information visit https://ageandopportunity.ie/

Caring with Confidence

Borrisoleigh Cycling Team


We are back group cycling on Saturday morning at 10 o clock so make sure and sign up on the AXA bike ride website. 

Drinking Bottles

Borrisoleigh Cycling Team has bespoke Sports Drinking Bottles for sale, suitable for all sports, not just cycling. 
They are durable and very visible in the maroon and white of Borrisoleigh.
Available in:
                    O’Connell’s Pharmacy
                    Hurley’s ……..  GALA
                    Shanahan’s … CENTRA
They cost €5 each and would be a nice addition to anyone’s sports kit.
Limited numbers available and when they are gone, they are gone. So don’t miss out.  

Buggy Brigade


Borrisoleigh Historical Society


A revolutionary movement, the United Irishmen, in the dark days of famine of 1848, rose the Tricolour in Ballingarry, South Tipperary. In honour and commemoration of that event, a printer from Johnstown, County Kilkenny, designed a stamp that depicted the Irish harp, encircled with a Shamrock wreath. This stamp featured on his stationary and also on the paper bags which he supplied to shops and retailers. For twenty years, grocers parcelled their tea, sugar, flour etc in these bags, without attracting unwanted attention from the authorities. That was however, to change dramatically when Constable Ebenezer Ferns marched into the premises of Patrick Maher, grocer, Borrisoleigh, in mid-July of 1868. Ferns seized the bags and charged Maher of being in possession of seditious material.

The following month, the newspaper, The Nation, carried a scathing report on the incident. While acknowledging that many decent Irishmen existed within the police force. The article went on;

“Others however, either because it accords with their nature, or in consideration of the paltry inducements held out to them by their masters, take heartily to the work of oppressing the people. Their thoughts by day and dreams by night are of the getting up of “cases”. For cases, especially cases with somewhat of a political tinge, their eyes and ears are ever open; and the faintest semblance of what they seek for, is sufficient to bring them with a pounce upon it as a hungry fish springs at a bit of offal. These are the men who arrest young persons for the crime of singing Moore’s melodies and other national songs and for playing or whistling Irish airs to which they – those high and mighty policemen – without any justification whatever for doing so, are pleased to attach a treasonable significance. These are the men who scrutinise strangers so insolently, with the implied purpose of comparing their features with descriptions given in their official gazette, the Hue and Cry; and who exhibit a strong desire to place under lock and key, every man woman and child whom they believe to be guilty of reading national publications, or possessing pictures of Irish patriots or, in short, entertaining national sentiments”.

The satirical verse below appeared in the Tipperary Vindicator in that paper’s commentary on the seizing of the “offend” bags.

“The bags that bore the Irish Harp

encircled with a wreath,

In shamrocks black instead of green

sensation did create.

When Bobby Peel walked in and said

I now must take away,

All sugar bags but kind of him,

he did not touch the tay.


You know dear Mr M – yawned Bob

my duty I must do,

And prove my loyalty to the throne

to which you’re subject too.

and should I not at any risk

lay siege upon those B’s,

My wife and I would surely die

for the love of those three V’s”.


Pic of the Past

Early Photograph of the Creamery, Borrisoleigh Creamery

Your Website Needs You

Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell

Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.

Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.

Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie

This website is supported by Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.

While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.

Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook.