11 November 2020
Parish News
- Annual Mass: Our Annual Mass for all who have died in our parish over the past twelve months will be celebrated-on-line on Friday next 13th November @ 7pm. You are invited to join us on-line @ twitch.tv/borrisoleighandileigh.
- Thought for the week: Miracles start to happen when you give as much thought to your dreams as you do to your fears
Tourist Information Sign
A new Tourist Information Sign has been erected in The Square by Borrisoleigh Community Development Association with thanks from grant funding from Tipperary County Council. The sign contains interesting information about local attractions and historical sites in and around Borrisoleigh and stands as a reminder of our rich heritage and history.
Home Energy Grants Available
Energy Communities Tipperary Cooperative (ECTC) are now seeking homeowners, businesses and community buildings who wish to avail of grant funding to carry out retrofit measures and energy upgrades on buildings throughout Co. Tipperary.
ECTC is a community led, home insulation upgrade and retrofitting organisation which provides a One Stop Shop Retrofit Service. This takes the hassle out of getting grant aid, sourcing contractors and overseeing projects for homeowners, businesses and community groups.
Grants are available through the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) for measures which include: Attic Insulation; Heating Controls; Cavity, Internal & External Wall Insulation; Heat Pumps; Wood Burning Stoves; Windows and Doors; Solar panels – PV & Water. Grants are available for homeowners from 35% to 80%, for community buildings up to 50% and for commercial buildings up to 30%. ECTC applies for these grants on behalf of homeowners, businesses and community groups.
Click here to register: https://energycommunitiestipp.ie/register/
Since 2012, ECTC has upgraded over 800 homes and secured over €10 million in investment for Tipperary, with funding from SEAI. All presided over by a volunteer board of community directors. As a not-for-profit company, ECTC’s mission is to allow communities in Tipperary and surrounding areas, to create local employment and community benefit through reducing their carbon footprint and generating community-owned energy.
New communities are welcome to join ECTC to participate in the scheme and avail of the opportunities available. Benefits include: Improved householders living conditions i.e. warmer, more efficient houses; Alleviate fuel poverty; Create jobs in the local communities; Save money – through awareness of household energy efficiency; Reduce carbon footprint.
ECTC are proud partners of Community Power, Ireland’s first community owned electricity supplier.
Old Raleigh Bicycle (Men or Women)
Borrisoleigh of Times Past
Picture of Ileigh school 1966 to 1967

Back row left to right. Josephine Dunne. Carmel Maher. Marion Maher. Bernie Quinlan. Maura Carey. Tommy Martin. Tim Dunne. James Slattery. Johnny Maher. John Harty. Paddy Ryan. JOHNNY Quinlan and Michael Carey. Middle Row. Kathleen Murray. Mary Devitt. Geraldine Carey. Margaret Slattery. Noreen Shanahan. Margaret Devitt. Patrick Murray. Michael Harty and John Kennedy. Front row. Billy Quinlan. Carmel Shanahan. Tom Dunne. Anne Ryan. John Ryan Denis Murray. Olive Carey. Noel Maher. John Slattery and Tommy Kennedy. 1966 to 1967. Photo sent in by Maura Carey Howard
Pic of the Past

Philly Ryan, Gortalough pictured here receiving the North Cup in 1947.
Also pictured are: Bill Bourke, Kilfithmone, Bill Matthews, Chapel Street,
Tom Delaney, Main Street, Billy Devaney, Lower Street and Tom Daly, Main Street
Your Website Needs You
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.
Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
This website is supported by Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.
While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook.