11 March 2020
Mass Cancellation
Important Notice
The public celebration of Mass in the Parish of Borrisoleigh/Ileigh (with the exception of Funeral Mass(es) complying with the maximum attendance of 100) is suspended until and including Sunday 29th March, with immediate effect.
It is necessary to cancel both weekend and daily Masses as it is not possible to comply with the public health authority’s requirement to have less than 100 people gathering indoors in both our Churches.
Also, while the cancellation of all Masses is regrettable, it will communicate to our parish community the serious impact of Covid-19 upon the elderly and those with underlying health issues.
You can listen or watch the celebration of Mass on EWTN Catholic TV on Sky 588, Virgin Media 815, Eircom eFibre 589 and Online: www.ewtn.ie
You may also join in the celebration of Mass on RTE Radio1 and Television and Tipp Mid-West Radio on Sunday mornings.
Parish News
Anniversary Masses next weekend:
We pray for all whose anniversaries occur and for whom the following Masses will be offered.
Saturday March 14th @ 7pm Mass: Philip Kenny (Phibby), Pallas Street
Sunday March 15th @ 11 am Mass: Con & Margaret Howard, St. Bridgid’s Villas.
40 Hours in honour of the Holy Face of Jesus for Faith & Life:Conception to Natural Death, in St Kevin’s Church Littleton starting Tuesday 10th March after 9am Mass, until 8pm that evening. Tuesday 17th 1-8pm. Tuesdays 24th & 31st similar to 10th. Experience Eucharistic healing. Contact Sheila 086 4081792 or Margaret 086 8882971.
Volunteers: are required so that a rota can be set up for teams to take turns in the cleaning of the Church. Those wishing to volunteer should give their names into Noreen or Gerry in the Sacristy.
Corona Virus (Covid 19) Corona Virus is a new disease and appears to spread easily between people. The H.S.E. has advised that we take the following precautions until further notice.
- Holy water fonts should not be used.
- Anyone administering Holy Communion should wash their hands or use an alcohol based hand gel beforehand
- To minimise the spread of infection. Eucharist ministers receiving Holy Communion from the chalice is suspended for the time being.
- People should receive Holy Communion in their hand only and not on the tongue.
- No shaking of hands for sign of peace.
Congratulations to Borrisoleigh G.A.A. club on hosting a very successful dinner dance recently. It was a fantastic night which everyone enjoyed immensely. It was a fitting way to end a very successful and memorable year for Borrisoleigh G.A.A. Club.
Last Sunday’s Collection: Amounted to €760 and a big Thank You.
Thought for the Week: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind”- Dr. Seuss
Rathmoy Residents Association
45 drive: Our annual 45 drive game will take place on Friday 20th March @ 8.30pm. Tickets are available from committee members. Your support will be very much appreciated.
Borrisoleigh Community Development Association
The Borrisoleigh Community Development Association (BCDA) will hold their AGM on Thursday April 2nd at 8.30pm in Community Centre. New members are always welcome.
AXA Community Bike Ride
We had two lovely cycles last weekend doing a 50 km cycle on Saturday and 20 km on Sunday. Next Sunday we have a 20 km easy going cycle for all levels of cyclist. All you need is a good safe bike, helmet and hi vis vest. Looking forward to seeing new faces now that weather conditions are improving. This is a great way to get fit and is also very sociable.
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club held their March meeting last Wednesday evening. At this meeting we had some members of the North Tipperary Alzheimer’s Society with us. We presented a cheque for €590 to them from a coffee morning we held.
Borrisoleigh Historical Society
Our next lecture; “The Wrongful Conviction and Execution of the Cormack Brothers”, scheduled for Friday 27 March, will instead go ahead on the following Friday, April 3rd.
In 1830, the Gaelic scholar and antiquarian John O’Donovan was employed as a field-worker by the Ordinance Survey, and other field workers worked under his direction. On his visit to Borrisoleigh, he wrote reports on Cullohill Castle, Glenkeen and Chapel Street Castle [below], – where he wryly observes, “This castle formed a part of a Brewery which has fallen into ruin since the apostle of Temperance commenced his labours”.
Split the Pot

Pic of the Past
Your Website Needs You
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell and Fiona Max
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items
Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
This website is supported by Borrisoleigh Community Development Association
While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook